Cervicogenic dizziness is a syndrome of neck pain accompanied by dizziness. This diagnosis is provided once all other causes of dizziness have been ruled out.

Cervicogenic dizziness will usually resolve with treatment of the neck problem but may also require vestibular rehabilitation for complete resolution of symptoms, you know, the kind the Therapy Consultants are experts in dealing with.

Many people experience neck pain and dizziness. It may be difficult to tell whether the dizziness and the neck pain are related or just coincidental. People with cervicogenic dizziness tend to complain of dizziness or general disorientation (a sensation of movement of the self or the environment) that is often worse during head movements or after maintaining certain neck positions for a long time.

Dizziness or light-headedness usually occurs during or soon after experiencing neck pain, stiffness and/or decreased neck range of motion. It may be accompanied by an occipital (back of the head) headache and exacerbated by head movements, not by physical or cognitive activity. Often the dizziness decreases as the neck pain decreases. The symptoms usually last minutes to hours.

People with cervicogenic dizziness may also complain of general imbalance, which can increase with head movements or movements in the environment. Cervicogenic dizziness is thought to be uncommon.

Cervicogenic dizziness often occurs because of a neck injury, such as a whiplash, or head injury, such as concussion, which can also injure the brain or inner ear. We at the Therapy Consultants coordinate with your referring physician to determine which other clinical, laboratory, or imaging tests are needed to determine the specific diagnosis. These tests are performed to determine if the dizziness is caused by injuries to the vestibular system, brain, or neck (or sometimes a combination).

Most patients with cervicogenic dizziness improve with appropriate neck treatment in combination with Vestibular Rehabilitation. We at Therapy Consultants will perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine other conditions that may be contributing to your dizziness, including medical conditions (such as a heart condition), medications, neurological conditions (such as concussion or stroke), or vestibular (inner ear) disorders (such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo).

We then use our professional expertise to advise and treat you in the best way possible! Head over to our website and contact us today!

Contact us today at 915-503-1333

“You Don’t Have To Live With It”