A vestibular balance disorder can interfere with regular daily activities and your ability to drive, work, or enjoy recreation activities. This can cause depression and frustration. While balance disorders can occur at any age, they are most common as you get older.

Your ear is a complex system of bone and cartilage. Within it is a network of canals. These are called semicircular canals. The canals are filled with fluid. The position of the fluid changes with movement. A sensor in the ear then sends the information to your brain to add to your sense of balance. These and other delicate pieces make up the vestibular system.

Common causes of vestibular balance disorders include medicines, infections, inner ear problems (such as poor circulation in the ear), calcium debris in your semi-circular canals, as well as problems rooted in your brain (such as traumatic brain injury).

The symptoms of a vestibular balance disorder include dizziness, feeling off-balance, feeling as if you are floating or as if the world is spinning, blurred vision, disorientation, and falling or stumbling. However, there are fewer common symptoms of a vestibular balance disorder too, which include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, anxiety, and fear, all or some coupled with changes in your heart’s rhythm.

To diagnose a vestibular balance disorder, you may need to work with an ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT or otolaryngologist), Primary Care Physician, or Neurologist. Many conditions can make you feel dizzy and lightheaded. Part of the diagnosis may include ruling out other causes. After your health history is reviewed, you may need some tests which might include a hearing exam, a vision exam, blood tests, imaging tests of your head and brain, clinical tests of balance. You may also have to undergo ENG (electronystagmography) and VNG (videonystagmography).

Treatment for vestibular balance disorders will depend on the cause of your balance disorder and may include, treating any underlying causes. Depending on the cause, you may need antibiotics or antifungal treatments. These can treat ear infections that are causing your balance disorder. Changes in your lifestyle may also help you ease some symptoms, such as with changes in diet and activity. This includes quitting smoking or staying away from nicotine.

When medicine and other therapies can’t control your symptoms, you know that you have to contact the Therapy Consultants. Our procedures depend on the underlying cause of the disorder. The goal is to stabilize and fix inner ear dysfunction and help you live a happy, healthy, and stress-free life. We will help you learn how to cope with dizziness in your daily life.

Contact us today at 915-503-1333

“You Don’t Have To Live With It”