The present study aimed to determine whether supervised vestibular rehabilitation therapy by physical therapists affects subjective dizziness in patients with chronic vestibular disorders and whether supervised vestibular rehab therapy-induced changes in subjective dizziness are related to the changes in physical activity levels in daily life.

The result shows supervised vestibular rehab therapy could be highly effective in treating subjective dizziness in patients with chronic peripheral vestibular disorders.

In a related study published by Dieterich, Marianne, and Staab, Jeffrey P in Current Opinion in Neurology, February 2017; Functional dizziness: from phobic postural vertigo and chronic subjective dizziness to persistent postural-perceptual dizziness.

The study shows the prevalence of functional dizziness as a primary cause of vestibular symptoms amounts to 10% in neuro-otology centers. Rates of psychiatric comorbidity in patients with structural vestibular syndromes are much higher with nearly 50% and with highest rates in patients with vestibular migraine, vestibular paroxysmia, and Ménière’s disease.

Pathophysiologic processes seem to include precipitating events that trigger anxiety-related changes in postural strategies with an increased attention to head and body motion and a co-contraction of leg muscles.

Correct and early diagnosis of functional dizziness, as primary cause or secondary disorder after a structural vestibular syndrome, is very important to prevent further chronification and enable adequate treatment. Treatment plans that include patient education, vestibular rehabilitation, cognitive and behavioral therapies, and medications substantially reduce morbidity and offer the potential for sustained remission when applied systematically.

At Therapy Consultants, we can help pave the way for your recovery through this systematic approach, alongside the latest technology in vestibular rehabilitation.

We are here for you, “You Don’t Have To Live With It”Contact us today at 915-503-1333