When dealing with Vestibular disorders, life can feel very off balance just like in Vertigo.

This is especially true if you’re getting dizzy and losing your balance. Fortunately, there are tools that you can use to manage your condition and get your life back on track.

Just to be sure you are not alone, here a few statistics about vertigo:

Vertigo is a common condition that affects many people in the United States. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), as of 2021:

Vestibular Therapy is one treatment option that can help you improve balance and coordination. It is natural and effective, making it a great choice for people suffering from Vestibular issues.

This therapy includes a variety of tailored postural control, balance, and eye movement tasks.

With Vestibular Therapy, you may experience a reduction in dizziness or vertigo, improved mental clarity and balance, and an increase in your confidence.

Learn more about Vestibular Therapy by contacting us at 915-503-1333