That Migraine and Your Sleep!

Status Migrainosus is defined as the serious complication of migraine condition with pain and non-pain symptoms that persist for more than 72 hours. This condition is associated with increased risk of suicide, frequent emergency room consultations, and frequent hospitalizations. The condition may not lead to death but contributes to a widespread public health implication, loss of productivity, significant impact on personal lifestyle, and high healthcare costs.

Recent epidemiological study carried out by Juliana VanderPluym et al and published in Neurology (January 17,2023) suggests that Altered Sleep is a risk factor for recurrence in Status Migrainosus.

The researchers used patient data from Rochester Epidemiology Project and concluded the incidence rate at 26.6 per 100,000 person-years, the peak occurring between ages of 40 to 49, and females having higher incidence of 46.97 to male at 6.23 per 100,000 person-years.

Findings from the study also show that case of Status Migrainosus could last up to almost 10 days, timing of recurrence occurred mostly around two-month window after the initial event, and that sleep alteration involving too much or too little sleep contributing to threefold increased likelihood of recurrence.

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