Have you been diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease or do you relate to any of the symptoms mentioned below? If yes, then it might be the perfect time for you to contact Therapy Consultants for a reliable intervention of your imbalance for this ailment!

Meniere’s disease is an inner-ear condition that can cause vertigo, a specific type of dizziness in which you feel as though you’re spinning. It can also can cause ringing in your ear (tinnitus), hearing loss that comes and goes, and a feeling of fullness or pressure in your ear. Usually, only one ear is affected. The hearing loss eventually can be permanent.


The cause of Meniere’s disease isn’t known, but doctors think they understand how the symptoms of Meniere’s happen.

Fluid builds up inside a part of your inner ear called the labyrinth, which holds structures that help with hearing and balance. The extra fluid interferes with the signals your brain receives, causing vertigo and hearing problems.

Why people get Meniere’s isn’t clear. Researchers have several theories about what might affect the fluid in the inner ear, though: Poor drainage (because of blockage or an abnormal structure in your ear)

Autoimmune response (when your body’s defense system attacks healthy cells)

It’s possible that a combination of issues come together to cause Meniere’s.


Meniere’s is a progressive disease, which means it gets worse over time. It may start slowly with occasional hearing loss. Vertigo may develop later. If you’re dizzy, sit or lie down right away. Don’t do any type of movement that might make your vertigo worse. Don’t try to drive.

Along with the main symptoms, some people may have:

Attacks can last 20 minutes or as long as 24 hours. You might get several in a week, or they might come months or even years apart. Afterward, you may feel tired and need to rest.

As your Meniere’s progresses, your symptoms may change. Your hearing loss and tinnitus may become constant. You might have problems with balance and vision instead of having occasional bouts of vertigo.

If you think you might have Meniere’s disease, call your doctor. Don’t assume it will get better on its own.


Audiometric exam. This will find hearing loss in the affected ear. It might include a test to gauge your ability to tell the difference between words like “fit” and “sit.” That’s called speech discrimination.Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP). This measures your reaction to sudden, loud noises.

Video head impulse test (VHIT) or Videonystagmography (VNG). They include use of video images to see how well you can focus and how your eyes respond to certain movements or positioning.

Additional imaging tests. Your doctor also might recommend an MRI or CT scan to rule out the possibility that something other than Meniere’s is causing your symptoms.


A hearing aid may help, and some treatments can ease both your vertigo and the fluid buildup in your ear. Read more about hearing aids and vertigo.

Medication for motion sickness might help with your vertigo, and medicine for nausea might help with vomiting if that’s a side effect of your dizziness. Other drug treatments include:

Diuretics. To reduce fluid in your ear, your doctor might prescribe a diuretic — medicine that keeps your body from retaining fluids. If you take a diuretic, your doctor probably also will ask you to cut the amount of salt in your diet.

Steroids. If your doctor thinks you have an underlying immune system problem, you might also take a short course of steroids.Vestibular Rehabilitation: Is an important aspect of recovery for this condition and this is when you can contact us for a comprehensive evaluation and customized rehabilitation for your needs.

Contact us today at 915-503-1333

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